Ohio Veterans Memorial Park
Dedicated to honoring Ohio’s veterans and families.
Experience The Memorial
The Ohio Veterans Memorial Park is dedicated to Ohio veterans from all wars, branches of service, and those serving in both peacetime and war.
About the Park
The Ohio Veterans’ Memorial Park is constructed of many monuments honoring our Heroes. The flag-ship of the park is the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Wall. It is the longest free-standing monument in the nation. It is held in place only by its own weight. (The national wall in D.C. is held in place by an earthen backfill.)
The Memorial Wall
The East side of the wall displays beginning with the Beirut Bombing. The west side of the one hundred and twenty five foot long, polished black granite wall contains the names of Ohioans who gave their lives in service to our nation during the Vietnam War. The east side of the wall is engraved with all of the conflicts that Ohio has been involved with, since the War of 1812 and the names, to date, of Ohio’s brave fallen during the war on terrosim since the Bombing of Beirut.
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Ohio Veterans Memorial Park
Main: (330) 529-4001
8005 Cleveland Massillon Road Clinton, Ohio 44216-8918
Open Daily