The Ohio Veterans’ Memorial Park is funded solely by private donations.
Memorial Pavers

The Memorial Pavers make up part of the Memorial Walkway. These pavers are a way for us to honor our veterans, regardless of whether they served during war or peacetime, from Ohio or other states, and if they are still with us. $ 75.00 & $ 125.00
Family of Heroes Hall Tiles

These beautiful photos etched black granite tiles will be placed on The Family of Heroes Memorial Hall – a perfect way to honor both our living Heroes and those who Gave All. $ 250.00
Memorial Benches

These beautiful polished black granite benches are found throughout The Ohio Veterans’ Memorial Park. The benches can be customized to honor your Hero, including text, graphics, and photographs. $ 3,500.00 +
Purple Heart Memorial Paver

The Purple Heart Pavers are placed in The Purple Heart Memorial Walkway and are dedicated to those who shed their blood for our freedom. $ 80.00 & $ 130.00
Corporate Markers

Our polished black granite 8″ X 16″ memorial markers make up part of the Memorial Walkway.
These markers are a great way for companies, churches, or other organizations to show their support for our Heroes! $ 500.00
Upright Memorial

Our grey-barre granite upright monuments surround The Ohio Veterans’ Memorial Park. They will eventually encircle the entire park. These can also be customized with your own ideas and designs. $2,500.00 +

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Ohio Veterans Memorial Park
Main: (330) 529-4001
8005 Cleveland Massillon Road Clinton, Ohio 44216-8918
Open Daily